Member Service


Type of MembershipNo. of Members
FMFounder Member           263
HMHeritage Member              82
LMLife Member            431
PMPrivileged Member         1098
IM Institutional Member             69


New Memberships

New applications will be currently entertained only to Privilege Memberships and Institutional Memberships.

Crieteria for Privilege Memberships:

Any person above 18 years of age of Indian Nationality, religion, caste or creed have the right of admission to club, provided:

  • he/she shall not be a declared insolvent
  • he/she shall not be declared guilty of an offence involving moral turpitude.
  • he/she shall not be having criminal proceedings pending against in court of law.
  • he/she shall not be a member expelled from the similar clubs on disciplinary grounds.


Crieteria for Institutional Memberships:

An institution shall be a body or association of two or more likeminded persons formed for a common purpose and which it is registered with the Registrar of Companies or Registrar of Firms as the case may be and is in the live Roll of such Registrars. Maximum 3 members can be enrolled as members of an institution.


How to apply:

Application for membership should be submitted in the prescribed format duly filled in all respects to the Hon. Secretary of the club, proposed by a member and seconded by another member together with the prescribed membership fee. Attach a copy of the recent passport size photograph,copy of Aadhar and a brief biodata also with the application form.

Present Membership Fee

Privilege Member : Rs. 3 lakhs + GST 18%
Institutional Member : Rs. 6 lakhs + GST 18%

Screening Committee may call for any additional information of the applicant, if found necessary, and proposer should provide it. If the SC finds that incriminating information on the applicant is willfully withheld by the applicant, proposer or seconder, the application shall be summarily rejected.

The secretary of the club shall publish a list of applicants on the club notice board 15 days before SC decides on the new applications. If members have any objections against admission of an applicant, that should be intimated to the Hon. Secretary within 15 days of the publication of the list on the notice board.

The Executive Committee of the club shall be the screening committee for their term and Secretary shall be the convener.


Present Membership Fee

Privilege Member : Rs. 3 lakhs + GST 18%
Institutional Member : Rs. 6 lakhs + GST 18%

Screening Committee may call for any additional information of the applicant, if found necessary, and proposer should provide it. If the SC finds that incriminating information on the applicant is willfully withheld by the applicant, proposer or seconder, the application shall be summarily rejected.

The secretary of the club shall publish a list of applicants on the club notice board 15 days before SC decides on the new applications. If members have any objections against admission of an applicant, that should be intimated to the Hon. Secretary within 15 days of the publication of the list on the notice board.

The Executive Committee of the club shall be the screening committee for their term and Secretary shall be the convener.